Thursday, November 4, 2010

AJWS & Judd Apatow's "Public Service Announcement"

A few weeks ago, I attended a 25th anniversary celebration/fundraiser for American Jewish World Services (AJWS).  AJWS is not your average Jewish organization.  AJWS represents the American Jewish community in outreach on causes worldwide, not just Jewish/Israel-centric issues

According to their website, they "fund hundreds of grassroots organizations working to promote health, education, economic development, disaster relief, and social and political change in the developing world. We work with women, youth, ethnic, religious and sexual minorities, indigenous people, refugees and IDPs and people living with HIV/AIDS."

Most recently they have been very involved in issues in Haiti since the catastrophic earthquake early this year.

The video was introduced by the videos writer Jordan Rubin, a comedian and a writer for The Man Show (not the creator of The Bible Diet). Rubin claims to be the writer but he most likely just came up with the concept of the video itself and allowed for the talented people involved to let their improv skills shine.

The video is based on the concept of goyim saying, "I am not a Jew but I support AJWS."  These are not just your average non-Jews. Apatow got a real powerhouse crew to get behind this cause.  Actors & Comedians like Tracy Morgan, Ken Jeong (that Asian guy whose in everything including the hilarious Community), Keifer Sutherland, the Don John son, and plenty of other surprises. THere is even an appearance by the Machete Danny Trejo. There are Jews in the video as well, although the most screen time goes to Sarah Silverman since she actually comes off as one of the funnier parts of the video.

And then there is weird, awkward appearance by Lindsey Lohan, which attempts to be funny but is actually a bit sad. If she wasn't already wealthy, they might want to start a foundation in honor of whatever disease appears to be afflicting her.

While the video is a bit long, it is quite amusing and is for a good cause so if you are looking for a organization as a tax write off this year, think about AJWS as an organization that spreads the word on a large assortment of unpublicized causes that need help as well. Besides, everyone always donates to cancer so be different this year.