Friday, August 6, 2010

Is He Jewish? Amare Stoudemire Edition

It's finally here. The thing all NY Knicks fans have been waiting for and it's the newly deposed King James.  It's Amare visiting the homeland of many of of the Garden's frequent visitors as well as one out of every three people in NYC. Amare has hit up Israel yo.

Watch this first:

Yes, Mr. Amare is wearing a white kippah and professing that we are all basically Jews but that last minute of humorous attempts on pronouncing some Hebrew.  Don't forget how he continues to refers the one Israeli player in the NBA Omri Casspi as Omar.  Shockingly, Amare's agent is Jewish as well.  Who'da thunk that?

According to further reports, Amare traveled to Israel to look into his Jewish roots.  Amare's mother was Jewish, which according to long held Jewish law makes Amare as Jewish man no matter what, possibly the tallest Jew in history.  I can only imagine the signs that are to fill the Garden next year.  And I can guarantee that his agent will be working on his Hebrew pronunciation, maybe he can even be a urban pitch man for Manischewitz.

Here's an additional report of his travels as well:

Definitive answer: Amare Stoudemire doesn't consider himself full blown Jew... yet.  But gives him a few years and he might be showing up to the Lincoln Center Synagogue for High Holiday services, maybe even be recruited in his later years to an all-star JCC over-40 team.  He did say in the first interview that he plans to keep Shabbat, except when they have a game... so he's conservative.  Amare is a prototypical modern Jew. And if his knee fall apart, this future Chabadnik will make the Knicks will be more imminently watchable than they have been in years and Amare will make more ESPN Top 10's for the Knicks than the last years combined. Welcome to New York, my brother Amare.  Not a brotha, but a fellow tribesman.

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